This application can be installed in different ways:
- Home-Assistant AddOn for Home Assistant OS (preferred)
- Manual Deployment
- Ready to use Docker Image
- Manual installation using
- Configuration options
1. Native Home-Assistant AddOn¶
Simply add the following GitHub Repository URL to your Home Assistant AddOn Store.
- Open the UI of your Home Assistant instance
- Go to
->Add-On Store
- Click the three dots in the top-right corner and select
- Paste the repository URL into the text-field and click “Add”
- Refresh your Add-On Store and Install the Add-On
- You can configure the log level in the AddOn configuration page
- Click “Start” to start the addon
- Follow the Bridge configuration guide
2. Manual Deployment¶
2.1 Docker Image¶
This repository builds a docker image for every release. You can simply run it by using docker-compose
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: host
environment: # more options can be found in the configuration section
- $PWD/home-assistant-matter-hub:/data
Having that you can simply run docker compose up -d
to start the container.
For the docker image, data is stored in /data
, so you can mount a volume there for persistence.
Alternatively, you can also run the container as follows:
docker run -d \
# more options can be found in the configuration section
# required: the address of your home assistant instance
# required: a long lived access token for your home assistant instance
# optional: debug | info | warn | error
# default: info
-e HAMH_LOG_LEVEL="info" \
# optional: the port to use for the web ui
# default: 8482
-e HAMH_HTTP_PORT=8482 \
# recommended: persist the configuration and application data
-v $PWD/home-assistant-matter-hub:/data \
# required due to restrictions in matter
--network=host \
See 2.3 for more configuration options.
Now you can go ahead and follow the bridge configuration guide.
2.2 Manual installation using npm
If you want to install this application by hand, you simply need to run
npm install -g home-assistant-matter-hub
To start the application, run
home-assistant-matter-hub start \
# required: the address of your home assistant instance
# can be replaced with an environment variable: HAMH_HOME_ASSISTANT_URL
--home-assistant-url="" \
# required: a long lived access token for your home assistant instance
# can be replaced with an environment variable: HAMH_HOME_ASSISTANT_ACCESS_TOKEN
--home-assistant-access-token="eyJ.....dlc" \
# optional: debug | info | warn | error
# default: info
# can be replaced with an environment variable: HAMH_LOG_LEVEL
--log-level=info \
# optional: the port to use for the web ui
# default: 8482
# can be replaced with an environment variable: HAMH_WEB_PORT
The application will store its data in $HOME/.home-assistant-matter-hub
. You can configure the storage path by
using the --storage-location=/path/to/storage
environment variable.
See 2.3 for more configuration options.
Now you can go ahead and follow the bridge configuration guide.
2.3 Configuration options¶
General app configuration is done using the command line interface or environment variables. The following parameters are available:
home-assistant-matter-hub start
start the application
--help Show help [boolean]
--config Provide the path to a configuration JSON file, which can include all the other command options. You can use
kebabcase ("log-level") or camelcase ("logLevel").
--log-level [string] [choices: "silly", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "info"]
--disable-log-colors [boolean] [default: false]
--storage-location Path to a directory where the application should store its data. Defaults to $HOME/.home-assistant-matter-h
ub [string]
--http-port, --web-port Port used by the web application. 'http-port' is recommended, 'web-port' is deprecated and will be removed
in the future. [number] [default: 8482]
--http-auth-username Username for HTTP basic authentication [string]
--http-auth-password Password for HTTP basic authentication [string]
--http-ip-whitelist Only allow the specified IPv4, IPv6 or CIDR. You can specify this option multiple times. When configured vi
a ENV variables, you can only specify ONE value. Defaults to allow every IP address. [array]
--mdns-network-interface Limit mDNS to this network interface [string]
--home-assistant-url The HTTP-URL of your Home Assistant URL [string] [required]
--home-assistant-access-token A long-lived access token for your Home Assistant Instance [string] [required]
Each of those configuration options can be configured via environment variables, too. Simply prefix them with HAMH_
and write them in capslock with underscores (e.g. HAMH_MDNS_NETWORK_INTERFACE
Those configuration options are not needed for the Home Assistant Addon Installation type.