The following device types are currently supported. If you need other device types, feel free to create a feature request. Please make sure, that such devices are already supported by the Matter Device Specification and the controller you are using.
You can check matter support for Alexa here.
You can check matter support for Google Home here.
Domain | Represented as Device Class | Comment |
automation | OnOffPlugInUnit | |
button | OnOffPluginUnit | Buttons can be triggered via your controller. They are visible as OnOff switch. When turning it on, it will turn itself off after three seconds. |
binary_sensor | ContactSensor, OccupancySensor, WaterLeakDetector | All device-classes which are explicitly implemented, are mapped to contact sensor. Feel free to open a PR to improve this. Water Leak Detectors are not supported by every controller. |
climate | Thermostat | Matter and Home Assistant have different definitions of “Auto” mode. In Matter, “Auto” mode means that a device will automatically choose between heat and cool based on the current local temperature. This is matching the “heat_cool” feature in Home Assistant, but not the “Auto” feature. There is no matching feature in matter. |
cover | WindowCovering | |
fan | OnOffPlugInUnit | Fans are supported in the matter specification, but they are not yet supported by Voice Assistants like Alexa, Google or Apple. |
humidifier | OnOffPlugInUnit | Matter does not support humidifiers yet. Therefore, mapped to an OnOffPlugInUnit with Level Control. |
input_boolean | OnOffPlugInUnit | |
input_button | OnOffPluginUnit | Input Buttons can be triggered via your controller. They are visible as OnOff switch. When turning it on, it will turn itself off after three seconds. |
light | OnOffLight, DimmableLight, ColorTemperatureLight, ExtendedColorLight | Depends on the supported features attribute of the device. |
lock | DoorLock | |
media_player | OnOffPlugInUnit | Media Players are not supported by most controllers. Therefore, they are exposed as on-off-plugin units. If you still want to try Speaker Devices with your controller, you can activate it using the Feature Flags in your Bridge configuration. |
scene | OnOffPlugInUnit | |
script | OnOffPlugInUnit | |
sensor | TemperatureSensor, HumiditySensor | Currently only Temperature and Humidity are supported. Feel free to open a PR to improve this. |
switch | OnOffPlugInUnit |